Taste and Texture for Toddlers
East Kimberley based Paediatric Nutritionist Tracy Raymond was invited to facilitate a session at Kununurra Neighbourhood House as part of the Parent Power program. Parents of young children ranging from 5 months to 5 years came together to discuss topics influencing the eating habits of infants and toddlers. Key topics of interest where ‘who sets the menu?’, ‘do you as the parent enjoy your food – how do you show this?’, the influence of new tastes and textures, ‘do you trust your child/children??’ and ‘choices’.
There was also much interest in the Australian Dietary Guidelines as to recommended amounts for different age groups.
The photo shows Toddler mums Joanne and Jodie participating in a taste and texture activity with Boab Health Services Paediatric Nutritionist Tracy Raymond, Kununurra Neighbourhood House, March 2014