Please send referrals for all locations and services to:
Secure Messaging:
HealthLink: boabheal
MMEx Allied health: ‘Boab Health Allied’
MMEx Mental Health: ‘Boab Health – Counselling’
Fax: (08) 9192 7999
Please click on the below links to access Boab Health Services referral forms (for Health Professionals only):
Allied Health Team Referral Forms and Information
If you require MS Word versions of any of the below forms, please email
Integrated Team Care (ITC) Program Referral Forms and Information
Mental Health Team Referral Forms and Information
The Boab Exercise Physiology service currently delivers to Bidyadanga and Broome for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients. The Exercise Physiologist can also deliver train the trainer sessions to some locations if they meet the required criteria. Please use the Train the Trainer Request form for these requests.