[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”202″ align=”right” size=”medium” lightbox=”true” group=”BOP” lightbox_fittoview=”false”]The term ‘Bibliotherapy’ has been coined for the therapeutic use of books in the treatment of illness or personal problems. Evidence suggests that bibliotherapy has a therapeutic benefit for people experiencing common mental health issues in the UK (Anxiety NICE Guidelines 2007, Depression in Adults Guideline NICE 2009, Depression in Children and Young People Guidelines NICE 2005).
[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”201″ align=”right” size=”medium” lightbox=”true” group=”BOP” lightbox_fittoview=”false”]The Boab Health Service’s Books on Prescription Scheme (BPS) is a collaboration between Boab Health Services and Kimberley Public Libraries. The Scheme was launched in Broome on Monday 11th October 2011, and was later extended to Derby and Kununurra in February 2012.
[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”203″ align=”right” size=”medium” lightbox=”true” group=”BOP” lightbox_fittoview=”false”]The books provided through the Boab Health Services BPS have been recommended by a panel of expert psychologists in the UK, with additional resources added by the Boab counselling services team. The majority of the books have therefore been used in UK Books on Prescription schemes for at least five years. The videos available in this scheme were provided by Beyond Blue, who kindly consented to their use.
Directory of Books on Prescription
Books on Prescription Information Flyer