Local partnerships key to delivering culturally appropriate workshops
Late last year our dietitian Mandy collaborated with Ngnowar Aerwah Aboriginal Corporation (NAAC) to deliver nutrition education and cooking skills workshops for participants of the Women’s Lifeways Program in Wyndham. This program aims to support women of all ages enhance life skills for a happier, healthier life.
Mandy delivers these workshops utilising a combination of strength-based, peer and two-way learning approaches. Feedback from NAAC staff members and program participants has been positive with staff commenting that Mandy’s relaxed style of delivery encourages a high level of interest and engagement in the workshop.
Workshops topics were guided by the women and included Type 2 Diabetes, iron-rich foods, and considering nutritional requirements when preparing meals for the whole family.
To consolidate the nutrition theory component into practical skills, each workshop concluded with participants preparing a budget-friendly cook-up using basic kitchen equipment and simple locally available ingredients. All participants and staff members left with a full and satisfied belly following a delicious feed!
Mandy says she has learned so much about traditional cooking methods, recipes and meals passed down through generations of women and is grateful for the program participants sharing this knowledge with her.
Mandy believes a relaxed and flexible approach to nutrition education complements the more individualised consult style of clinical dietetics.
Mandy says “Local staff are key in planning and facilitating community workshops. Without support from partner organisations and local staff engaging with their community, workshops would not be well attended. Staff who are local community members are essential in raising awareness and supporting our services and provide practical supports including transportation and supporting us to deliver culturally safe and appropriate services.”
Mandy is looking forward to working with the team at Ngnowar Aerwar Aboriginal Corporation again this year and continuing to empower women with shared knowledge, skills and self-belief in a supportive group environment.
If you would like to know more about this program or other dietetic services contact Mandy on 9166 8100 or via email reception@boabhealth.com.au