Digital media workshops and family portraits in Wyndham.

Last year, Wyndham families embraced the opportunity to be a part of a family portrait project, photographed by participants from the ABLe program photography and storytelling workshops.

Boab Health Service, in partnership with Wyndham Early Learning Activity Centre (WELA) and Ngnowar Aerwah Aboriginal Corporation, set up a real-life photography studio at the Wyndham Community Hub.

Over the course of two family portrait sessions, student photographers were responsible for considering the overall portrait composition including directing the position of family members and adjusting camera and lighting settings.  Families who participated received a print and digital copy of their family portrait, just in time for Chrismas!

Participants of the photography and storytelling workshops have access to a suite of modern media equipment and resources and learn about the technical side of picture making using both film and digital cameras.

Steve, our ABLe Program Coordinator uses a scaffolding teaching style to build on participants knowledge and skills.  To build in their visual and technical literacy, participants are supported to shoot images from their own point of view, in their local environment, focusing on subjects that interest them the most.  Using their own perspective and ways of seeing, students also engage in conversations around the photographic genre – focusing on the significance and interpretation of Australian photography.  
In 2021 The ABLe program is continuing weekly photography and storytelling workshops.  ABLe program staff Steve and Lauren and are looking forward to developing some new and exciting community engagement programs during the year ahead.  For more information about these workshops or the ABLe program contact Steve or Lauran on 0437 589 842.

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