Boab presents at the WA Mental Health Conference 2016

Nicole Jeffery-Dawes, one our our Mental Health Professionals from Kununurra recently presented at the WA Mental Health Conference in Perth during March. Nicole’s session on “Making Professional Networks: The Remote Experience” was well attended by people from a number of organisations, including the Mental Health Commission.

The aim of the session was to assist individuals in remote work by using technology and building formal and informal networks in situ to support their practice, and to inform organisations of the importance of supporting these practices to increase resilience and retention of staff. Nicole also used these networking skills throughout the 2 day conference to highlight the Mental Health issues in the Kimberley, and to advocate for greater resourcing to meet demands in our unique environment.

For more information contact Nicole Jeffery-Dawes on 9168 2560.


Image: Nicole presenting at WA Mental Health conference in Perth 2016

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